Christ Church

We are a friendly and growing evangelical Anglican church just half a mile from the centre of Paignton on the Torquay Road. The church was built in 1887 at a cost of £7,500 - there's inflation for you! 

Christ Church today

Sunday Service

Our morning service is at 11.00am on Sundays. Our services fairly informal, with Communion on the first and third Sundays in the month.

We are always pleased to welcome visitors and you would be very welcome to join us. You don't have to be a believer to come to church - we all start off as seekers - but we believe that those who come truly seeking God will surely find Him.

We often host concerts and in the recent past have had some well known people perform in Christchurch;  American singer Michael Card and Opera impresario Jonathan Veira - watch this space for more!

Michael Card