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We are a partnership of two friendly evangelical churches in the wonderful seaside town of Paignton.
We live in very difficult times - the 2020's is a decade for the history books but for all the wrong reasons. A global pandemic, war in Europe and a coming financial crisis which hasn't been seen on this scale since the 1970's.
You may be wondering where it's all heading! All the advances of the past century haven't changed the basic problems of humankind.
So why not take the opportunity in the midst of all today's fears and uncertainties to consider where is God in all this?
Is there Hope? Why not come along to one of services where we worship God together with lively modern songs and explore what the Bible has to say to us about our lives in 2025. Both Churches welcome people of all ages. There are spaces in the church for childrens activities. A bible pack is available to enable the children to learn what in the bible and it is themed around what the adults are learning too.
The most eternally significant questions you can ask are 'Who is Jesus?' and 'What does his life and death on the cross mean to me?'
We believe that the answers to these and many more existential questions are found in the Bible and each week at Church and in House groups we explore them and what the Bible has to say.
No one is more important than anyone else and everybody has a valuable contribution to make.
So if you haven't been to church for a while (or if you've never been before) and you'd like to give it a try, we would love to see you. You're welcome to join us at any of our services whether you have been a Christian for sometime or you are just beginning to wonder what it's all about.
At Christ Church and St Paul's we believe that God loves all people, young and old and everyone in between. Whatever your story, the church is a place for anyone and everyone who wants to find God.
Both churches are on the Torquay Road (See the 'How to find us' pages)
Why not take a look at our other pages
and see if you'd like to join us?
If you have any Safeguarding concerns please contact:
Vicar: Nathan Kiyaga 07964 532 187
Licensed Lay Mininster: Dr David Harwood 07414 991 911
Christ Church Safeguarding Representative:
Robert Vincent 079 4647 1066
St Paul’s Safeguarding Representative: Catherine Brookman 07767 491374
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Costa Nassaris 07809 339 501
Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers:
Rebecca Lane 07889 542 640 or James May 07889 542 646