What's On

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in the life of the church - maybe there is something here that appeals to you - if so, why not come along?

Little Angels - Our Toddler Group meets in St Paul’s Church from 9.30-11.30 am each Wednesday during school term times. With coffee and cake for parents and good things for the kids, including story time and songs - it’s a great time for all.

Men's Pub Night - on the first Monday in the month, 8.00pm onwards in The Ship. Perfect to invite a friend.

Coffee and Chat every 1st and 3rd Thursday morning from 10am to Midday in St Paul's ChurchThere's quality coffee, fresh cakes and lots of conversation. It's a place to meet friends and make new ones and you are very welcome to come along.

Home Groups - These are meetings for adults, with Bible Study, discussion and prayer. House Groups are an important part of our life together as Church. We currently have two which meet every other week. They give an opportunity to build deeper relationships with other Christians explore the Bible together, pray and support one another.

Friday Morning Prayer - Every Friday from 9am we meet for prayer on-line via Zoom. We pray for the nation, the community, the work of our churches as well as any requests for prayer that we have received. You can access Zoom prayer meeting here 
